Hi there, I'm Stephen!

I say unpopular things out loud to help people live fulfilling lives.


I love pizza, geeky stuff, adrenaline rushes, my wife and three kids, playing guitar and drums, and leaving people better than I found them (not specifically in that order).

My WHY Statement is to "Glorify God while cherishing my family, working to serve others and having fun along the way!"

Hi there I am Celeste!

Creator of Softly Does It and dedicated Business Strategist.

Don't forget to customize the mobile version of the Hero section on this page.

I'll never delete this picture. You can't see it, but I was broken when it was taken. I had no money, no direction, no purpose. 

I wanted what everyone wants, a life full of love, fun and plenty of money to do whatever I wanted.

I was the first in my family to graduate college and land a job at a Fortune 500 company. But at the age of 26, I found myself suddenly divorced with zero possessions, $5000 in my pocket and moving back in with my parents.


I never thought I'd have to start over, but after some soul-searching, I realized I hadn't really ever started.

Since I was 18, my life had been on autopilot driven by societal standards. I went to college, took out loans, landed a corporate job, got married and saved a little money. If that was success, why did I hate where it got me?


At that low point, I realized I wasn't following my plan but the one society handed to me. So I ended that and built my own.

I was doing sales and consulting with executives for Fortune 500 companies. One day, I had an expert consulting on strategic planning and a revelation hit me like a lightning bolt...what I needed was a life strategy!

5 years later...

I had married the love of my life, paid down $265,000 in debt to become debt free (minus the mortgage), built a net worth over $100,000, worked 32 hours a week and had a newborn son.

This time, it wasn't by chance. Much of it wouldn't have happened without me taking control of my life and executing a strategy for the life I wanted.

I believe that everyone can build True Wealth.

I have spent the last 6 years helping thousands of ambitious people define success and design the life they want.

What makes the True Wealth Experience™ so effective is our "life first, money second" philosophy.

The best outcomes happen when we are intentional with our money, time, and energy.


After a decade of revising strategies and processes for multi-billion-dollar firms, I've merged these universal principles with behavioral psychology to craft an experience. This approach doesn’t just boost your bank account numbers—it propels you towards the life you desire.

Stories from Heroes who got started...

Every journey begins with a single step

Mark R.

"Foundation saved me from being overwhelmed by credit cards and bank accounts to saving $450 every month and having a simple money system. And it only took me a weekend to do it!"

Will and Carmen W. 

"The 7 Design steps helped us build a 3-year plan that felt real and doable. At the end of it, we had a new investment strategy that ended up giving us a 3,750% ROI after 3 years!"

Hannah G.

"Going through Design to define my 'why' and then map my Objectives back to it, provided me with a level of clarity and focus that I never had before."

How to connect with me.

Connect with me on social media

I post all the time on LinkedIN and YouTube to keep our lifestyle choices and wealth building journey at the forefront of our minds. Subscribe on YouTube and Connect on LinkedIN! Send a message or comment to say hello.

Sign up for Assembly

Become part of our exclusive community designed to empower our Masterminds and guide ambitious people focused on wealth building. I love talking to people in our open sessions where we unite to tackle challenges, share strategies, and celebrate wins.

Work with me personally

Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in applying for our Design Mastermind or want to have me for a virtual or live speaking event. I've done over 30+ speaking engagements and love bringing a engaging, energetic talks to your team!


No one can build a mansion on sand so our Foundation is where we start.

To quickly eliminate debt, discover debt negotiation strategies and create an automated financial system, begin your journey here.


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This unique community focuses on building the 4 types of wealth. 

A solid plan is crucial, yet research indicates that a reliable guide and accountability significantly boost your success rate by over 65%.


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A mastermind for ambitious people with over $100,000 net worth.

Build a strategy to implement your lifestyle design, use advanced financial strategies and eliminate distractions holding you back.


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I want everyone to live life on their own terms.


We only get one trip on this space rock we call home. So many people simply exist, moving from one screen to the next uninspired activity. 

I wake up everyday excited (yes, even on Mondays) and I want that feeling for everyone else too.

That's why I love engaging with our Assembly members. Check it out!

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Let's connect! Follow me on LinkedIn and YouTube.

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