R.I.P. Mint.com And 5 Alternatives If You Need A Budget App Now

It's over and frankly, I am sad. I was with Mint.com since college when it was in beta so this is like losing a close, robot friend.

But the only constant in life is change so move on we must.

Over 25 million people have been using this app to keep their financial life in check, but now it's time to scout for new territories because Intuit, the big boss since 2009, has culled it into Credit Karma.

I'll be doing a complete review of Credit Karma, but I've heard from people that its okay, but not nearly as robust as its predecessor.

But hey, let's not put all our eggs in one basket.

There are a bunch of other apps out there ready to take Mint's throne.

Here's the lowdown on 5 alternatives to check out (even if you have to pay for it).

What happened to my Mint accounts? You're out of time and have no choice but to move your data to Credit Karma or another budgeting app you fancy.

Choosing Credit Karma? Just know it's not a magical switch; you've got some legwork to do.

Is Credit Karma the new Mint? Well, not quite. Credit Karma's got some tricks up its sleeve, but it's not a carbon copy of Mint. It's missing some of those nifty budgeting tools, so you might feel a bit stranded with certain financial institutions.

Can you snag your Mint data? Absolutely. Grab your data asap before its not available. Better safe than sorry!

Meet the Contenders

Empower (Your Financial Yoda)
Empower, once known as Personal Capital, is a decent spot for juggling your banking and investment gigs.

It's a bit of a Swiss Army knife, offering more features than Mint ever did, but it can be a bit overwhelming.

Free for basic budgeting and spending tracking, it's a catch if you don't mind its investment side hustle.

Quicken (The Old Guard)
Quicken's been around the block, offering two Mint rivals: Classic and Simplifi.

It is not free like Mint.

Quicken's like the wise sage of budgeting, giving you a deeper dive into where your cash is flowing compared to Mint's surface-level insights.

Rocket Money (The Subscription Slayer)
Started as Truebill, Rocket Money is your go-to for axing those pesky subscriptions.

While it's a champ at slimming down your monthly bills, it takes a cut of the savings.

It's not Mint 2.0, but it's got its perks, especially if you're aiming to declutter your subscription list.

Mint might be taking its final bow, but the show goes on with these alternatives.

Pick your player and keep that financial game strong.

YNAB: The Budgeting Ninja
This player is a heavyweight in the budgeting arena.

YNAB takes expense tracking to another level, letting you get granular with every dollar. It's all about that zero-based budgeting life, where every buck has a job.

Users are pretty gung-ho about how YNAB has revolutionized their financial savvy, giving them a clear picture of their cash flow.

Now, let's talk cash. Unlike Mint's gratis offerings, YNAB asks for $99 annually after a 34-day free trial. Steep? Maybe.

But if it does for you what it claims – saving an average of $6,000 in the first year – that's a solid return on investment.

Monarch Money: More Than Just Budgeting
Speaking of premium, Monarch Money is another top-tier option, perfect for the budgeting elite.

It's not just you and your money here; this app invites the whole family to get in on the action.

While it does lean on the pricier side, it's all about comprehensive control and collaboration over your finances.

Unlike Mint, Monarch lets everyone in on your financial game plan, which is a game-changer if you're not going solo.

You'll get all the bells and whistles for tracking your financial kingdom – net worth calculations, detailed transactions, budgeting bliss, and goal-setting galore. However, don't expect a free credit score peek here.

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