Investing In YourselfĀ Starts Here.

The greatest investment you will ever make is in yourself.

These articles will show you proven tips and methods to build wealth, increase your income and live the life you want.

And the kicker? It's all free!

The Crisis Of Home Prices And Wages Sep 16, 2023

I laugh when I hear people say you should just save up to buy house with cash. 

Anyone recommending this is out of touch with reality and playing by money rules that are 30 years old.

We have a housing crisis on our hands that is so bad, the government is trying to address the inequity by...

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Give Up On Making Passive Income Sep 09, 2023

My role in life has become clear over the years.

It's basically to say the unpopular things that no one wants to say out loud.

So I'm going to absolutely ruin some click-baity YouTube videos for you right now...

But you need to give up on the idea of passive income. It doesn't exist in the way...

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Fight Overwhelm And Get Focused With Warren Buffet's 5/25 Method Sep 02, 2023

I was a guest on a podcast recently and the host hit me with a question I get a lot.

"That's the problem...I have no idea where to start! How do you figure that out?"

Unfortunate fact: Most people are overwhelmed with too many decisions to make every day.

Between unrealistic societal...

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Budgets Don't Work For Most People So Use An ISP Instead Aug 26, 2023

If you've ever paid any attention to the personal finance world, you've heard some stat around how 2 out of 3 people don't have a budget.

I could that be?

They're so important. They're so easy. They're totally free.

None of that matters.

What the statistic won't tell you is that most...

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Creating Money Systems To Build Wealth automation build wealth newsletter systems Aug 12, 2023

What is a money system? In the larger economic world, they call them "monetary systems". 

It's simply a set of policies, frameworks and institutions that impact creation and the flow of money.

If you're screaming "explain it to me like I'm 5", then a simple example of a money system is...

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Which Of The 7 Money Personalities Are You? build wealth mindset Aug 05, 2023


”An investment in knowledge pays the best dividends.” – Benjamin Franklin

What is so important about money that presidents, poets, philosophers and the Bible have to talk about it so much?

It's all over the place in all of recorded history.

Money is simply a gateway to...

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The Velocity Of Money And How It Makes You Rich Jul 22, 2023

You probably first heard the term "velocity" in high school physics or watching a Top Gun movie.

Velocity is speed + direction.

When we are talking about money, the idea of the "velocity of money" is something people never really discuss.

The concept is simple. The execution is life...

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3 Money Lessons I'd Tell My 26-Year Old Self Jul 15, 2023

I just turned 36. 

If I could travel back in time 10 years ago and tell myself 3 lessons to help me get rich faster (and no, something uber-specific like buy bitcoin isn't what I mean), then this would be my advice.

Lesson 1 - More Buying, Less Selling

I'm not a day trader when it comes to...

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The Most Important Financial Milestone Jul 01, 2023

Millionaire? Billionaire? 6-figure salary? Nope.

None of these are the most important financial milestone and it shows in too many people's mindsets.

This is why everyone is barely making enough to maintain their existing lifestyle.

The most important milestone is reaching $100,000 net...

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How To Set Goals Like A Millionaire Jun 24, 2023

Let's face it.

Almost everything you have learned and adopted about money came from people who aren't millionaires.

So if you have a goal to build financial wealth, that'd be like taking advice from a fat personal fitness trainer about dieting best practices. 

Maybe the information is...

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How I Saved $1050/Month Without Major Lifestyle Changes Jun 17, 2023

"The permanent results come from you having to suffer." - David Goggins

I had decided that things needed to change. We were skimming by on a month to month basis. Most of our money was going to paying off $265,000 in student loans. 

Everything was tight and I knew we needed to free up cash.

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Marriage Makes Millionaires Jun 03, 2023

My dad has been doing marriage counseling for over 34 years. He has seen it all.

And one thing that he sees more often then Seinfeld re-runs are arguments between married couples over money.

Marriage is a massive contributor to wealth building. Studies show couples who stay married usually have a...

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