Investing In YourselfĀ Starts Here.
The greatest investment you will ever make is in yourself.
These articles will show you proven tips and methods to build wealth, increase your income and live the life you want.
And the kicker? It's all free!
I just turned 36.
If I could travel back in time 10 years ago and tell myself 3 lessons to help me get rich faster (and no, something uber-specific like buy bitcoin isn't what I mean), then this would be my advice.
Lesson 1 - More Buying, Less Selling
I'm not a day trader when it comes to...
Millionaire? Billionaire? 6-figure salary? Nope.
None of these are the most important financial milestone and it shows in too many people's mindsets.
This is why everyone is barely making enough to maintain their existing lifestyle.
The most important milestone is reaching $100,000 net...
Let's face it.
Almost everything you have learned and adopted about money came from people who aren't millionaires.
So if you have a goal to build financial wealth, that'd be like taking advice from a fat personal fitness trainer about dieting best practices.
Maybe the information is...
"The permanent results come from you having to suffer." - David Goggins
I had decided that things needed to change. We were skimming by on a month to month basis. Most of our money was going to paying off $265,000 in student loans.
Everything was tight and I knew we needed to free up cash.
...My dad has been doing marriage counseling for over 34 years. He has seen it all.
And one thing that he sees more often then Seinfeld re-runs are arguments between married couples over money.
Marriage is a massive contributor to wealth building. Studies show couples who stay married usually have a...
Financial freedom is the personal finance buzz term everyone overuses.
But what does it actually mean?
Turns out, there are multiple levels you can reach and its important to understand where you are so you understand what you are working towards.
Each level has a basic...
The Notorious B.I.G. hit the nail on the head when he said "Mo' money, mo' problems."
But in response to this philosophical rap lyric, the question should be asked: why does more money cause more problems?
It's because more of anything maginifies problems inherent with systems and...
Connect And Engage With Me!
If you want more resources to build true wealth, you can listen to my podcast, watch my YouTube channel, or connect with me on LinkedIn.
Your Introduction To TEARs
I created a concept that I'm hoping blows your mind a little bit.
Okay, I'll settle...
Connect And Engage With Me!
If you want more resources to build true wealth, you can listen to my podcast, watch my YouTube channel, or connect with me on LinkedIn.
The Biggest Mistake People Make When Paying Off Debt
All the big financial gurus don't tell you...
Connect And Engage With Me!
If you want more resources to build true wealth, you can listen to my podcast, watch my YouTube channel, or connect with me on LinkedIn.
The Shocking State Of Net Worth And Savings
Haters gonna hate.
I try not to engage trolls but a recent one...
I Dare You To Try This For One Week
I quit. Well, sort of. Let me explain.
There's a common factor I find with people when I'm coaching them.
They think they have to go from sitting on the couch to running a marathon within a few days.
Sure, this sounds ridiculous, but when you hear of the...
6 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Building Wealth
I study the rich. Why?
Because they do things the poor don't do and just as important...
They DON'T do things that the poor do.
As with any pattern in life, there are fundamentals and patterns that can be repeated and executed.
So here are 6...